Making An Impact In Our Community

We are a community-giving foundation dedicated to Inspiring Positive Change. Through strategic philanthropy, we empower individuals and organizations, fostering inclusive growth while creating a lasting impact on our community.

The Westminster Community Foundation focuses on four key areas to make a lasting impact:

1.     Bridging the Gap: We fund essential services and cutting-edge solutions to critical issues facing our     community. 
2.     Fueling Prosperity for All: We give everyone a fair chance to thrive, regardless of background.                
3.     Empowering Our Future: We invest in programs that equip our youth and strengthen the voice of our community.
4.     Leaving a Lasting Legacy: We build a stronger, more resilient Westminster for now and for future generations.
With your help and resources, the Westminster Community Foundation will support projects, initiatives, groups and nonprofits within each focus area that build a thriving Westminster for all! 
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Advancing a Thriving Community
WCF supports initiatives and collaborations with key stakeholders, residents, businesses and leaders that keep our residents healthy and housed, meet people’s basic needs, promote economic and civic opportunities, elevate the arts and humanities and address any emergent needs or concerns.
Icon of a green leaf
City Beautiful
WCF bolsters projects and programs that strengthen conservation and preservation efforts, environmental justice and projects and programs that increase access to healthy outdoor activities for all to enjoy and to provide many options for play and delight in the great outdoors.
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Elevating Our Youth
Elevating our youth to reach new heights involves equipping them with the skills, opportunities, resources and confidence they need to make meaningful contributions to their communities and achieve their full potential. Empowering youth is essential for creating a sustainable, innovative and inclusive future through equitable & quality education, leadership opportunities, innovative post-secondary & workforce development programs, access to technology, attainable mental health & well-being services, economic prospects and cultural & creative outlets.
Picture of laundry trucks outside a building
Mobile Shower & Laundry Truck Program
We support the mobile shower and laundry truck program at Irving Street Library. Living Well Showers are a series of four fully functioning shower bays built into a mobile trailer and supplied with resources needed for community members to experience a free, warm and satisfying shower.
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Picture from the back of a classroom with desks and chairs. There is a clean blackboard at the front of the classroom and windows on the left side
Supplying Basic Needs For Homeless Students In Westminster
There are enough homeless students in Westminster to fill 40 classrooms. This means that more than 1,000 students in our community are homeless or unstably housed. We are working to supply these students with the most basic items they need: food, clothing, school supplies, etc.
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Picture from the back of a classroom with desks and chairs. There is a clean blackboard at the front of the classroom and windows on the left side
Current Initiative #3
There are enough homeless students in Westminster to fill 40 classrooms. This means that more than 1,000 students in our community are homeless or unstably housed. We are working to supply these students with the most basic items they need: food, clothing, school supplies, etc.
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Picture of laundry trucks outside a building
Current Initiative #4
We support the mobile shower and laundry truck program at Irving Street Library. Living Well Showers are a series of four fully functioning shower bays built into a mobile trailer and supplied with resources needed for community members to experience a free, warm and satisfying shower.
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Picture of laundry trucks outside a building
Mobile Shower & Laundry Truck Program
We support the mobile shower and laundry truck program at Irving Street Library. Living Well Showers are a series of four fully functioning shower bays built into a mobile trailer and supplied with resources needed for community members to experience a free, warm and satisfying shower.
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Picture from the back of a classroom with desks and chairs. There is a clean blackboard at the front of the classroom and windows on the left side
Supplying Basic Needs For Homeless Students In Westminster
There are enough homeless students in Westminster to fill 40 classrooms. This means that more than 1,000 students in our community are homeless or unstably housed. We are working to supply these students with the most basic items they need: food, clothing, school supplies, etc.
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Picture from the back of a classroom with desks and chairs. There is a clean blackboard at the front of the classroom and windows on the left side
Current Initiative #3
There are enough homeless students in Westminster to fill 40 classrooms. This means that more than 1,000 students in our community are homeless or unstably housed. We are working to supply these students with the most basic items they need: food, clothing, school supplies, etc.
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Picture of laundry trucks outside a building
Current Initiative #4
We support the mobile shower and laundry truck program at Irving Street Library. Living Well Showers are a series of four fully functioning shower bays built into a mobile trailer and supplied with resources needed for community members to experience a free, warm and satisfying shower.
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Help Make A Lasting Impact In Our Community
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Contribute to our programs to help make a difference
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Sponsor an Event
Sponsor our Annual Golf Tournament or Community Breakfast!
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Get Involved
Volunteer as an event worker, committee member or  admin support!
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